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For more than 30 years, Apostle Dr. Shel’don Hudson has helped thousands realize their purpose through her ministry. In 2001, with minimal resources, Dr. Hudson founded Across All Boundaries Christian Church, a non-denominational, multicultural church and outreach organization. Her passion and personal mandate is to communicate, educate and inspire mankind to receive and prosper in the Kingdom. She accomplishes this by varied avenues including her role as Apostle of Across All Boundaries Christian Church and Outreach Ministries. As the founder and overseer of two locations in Columbia, South Carolina and Knoxville, Tennessee, Dr. Hudson advocates to serving people of every socioeconomic status, age, nationality, and race. Her influence extends beyond the church by establishing and maintaining various businesses and community programs such as Abba’s Kitchen and Closet and Destiny’s Daughters Finishing School as well as being the Founder and Apostle of Integrous Believers Alliance and Fellowship.
In her role as a leader, she has empowered others to launch and maintain various educational and entrepreneurial ministries. She loves to encourage people to seek ownership of their dreams as business owners. With pioneering vision, Dr. Hudson founded Yadah Ministries in 2001, a teaching and preaching ministry, and Crossing Boundaries School of Ministry in 2010, a Bible College in partnership with Oral Roberts University Bible Institute and ISI Academy, an online institute teaching the Hebraic roots and link of the church.
Dr. Hudson’s own educational background spans several areas. She is a graduate of Charleston County Public Schools and Truth Bible College of Jacksonville, Florida, from which she has earned a Doctorate in Theology. Being true to her heart’s cry, Dr. Hudson has completed her studies of the Hebraic Language and as a graduate of Steven Covey Institute, holds fast to the ideal, “start with the end in mind.” Having worked in the secular world for over 25 years, she retired in 2001 as a 16-year veteran of Mack Trucks Inc.
In 2017, Dr. Hudson launched her lifestyle brand, Simply Sheldon. The brand showcases her passion for creativity and inspiration through the custom tailored designs of Silhouettes Studios as well as the progressive and candid conversations of her online Talk Show, The Situation Room.
Dr. Hudson is a Poet, Author and Artist. She is well known for her popular and moving musical theater, Broken Dolls that was inspired by her book, “Broken Dolls.”
Dr. Hudson has been married to Daniel Hudson for over 40 years. She is the proud mother of four children, grandmother to seven and great grandmother of two. Her life’s legacy to her family, followers and ministries can be summed up in her favorite scripture of Psalm 139:14; “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”