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What would make one want to read about "Broken Dolls"? If we would be truthful, "Broken Dolls" are skilled at hiding behind beautiful mask; afraid to face the sources of their brokenness. Because a loving creator has plans for you, you can survive! Oh, what a wonder to behold a body, soul and spirit, broken but whole, wounded but mended, tough but tender. In order to heal we must endure the pain and we can survive it. Healing is a process and pain starts the process. In this book you will find a woman's journey from brokenness to wholeness and the process of healing that has taken place. Note as you read and share her pain and healing; this book is the rendering of a hearts cry of a life lived under the blanket of divine grace. If you are a "Broken Doll", place yourself into the pages and let's begin the process of healing.